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Unify your sales effort.

5.0 (4 reviews)
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Distrobird is an all-in-one platform designed to optimize sales and customer support processes. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools, including multi-channel campaigns, SMS messaging, a cloud-based phone system, web chat, shared inboxes, and form tracking.

1 deal available for Distrobird
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1 deal available for Distrobird

Up to $4,050 in savings

90% off all plans for 1 year

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90% off all plans for 1 year

90% off all plans for 1 year

Unlock our Distrobird deal and access 90% off all plans for 1 year, saving you up to $4050 for your startup. There are over 490+ verified deals and discounts for you to save money on the best SaaS software and apps for your small business to grow. Don't waste time, take advantage of our promotions now thanks to our Distrobird promo codes, coupons and credits valid in December 2024.

General information about Distrobird

Distrobird is a powerful platform designed to transform how you engage with your customers and manage sales processes. By integrating a wide array of tools such as campaigns and sequences, SMS campaigns, a cloud-based phone system, web chat, a shared inbox, and form tracking into one seamless interface, Distrobird empowers your sales and support teams to become more productive and efficient

This innovative software is built to enhance sales, drive customer retention, and streamline communication channels, making it an essential asset for startups looking to optiomize their go-to-market strategies.

Distrobird stands out for its ability to replace multiple tools with a single, unified platform. This not only simplifies the sales and customer support processes but also provides a more coherent and comprehensive view of customer interactions. Trusted by hundreds of companies, including RMG and Fibernetics, Distrobird offers a scalable, global solution that has already facilitated over 80 million conversations in more than 101 countries, generating significant revenue for its users.

The platform is particularly beneficial for B2B SaaS, staffing and recruiting, policy advocacy and campaign, sales and marketing agencies, sales teams, customer support, and more. Its ease of use, combined with robust features like multi-tenancy and easy migration, make it an attractive choice for any business looking to grow its revenues without the complexity and expense of traditional enterprise sales tools.

Discover how Distrobird can transform your business operations and significantly boost your team’s output with fewer tools, while exploring the multitude of promotional discounts and offers available on our platform for SaaS just like Distrobird and many more!

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Expert review on Distrobird

Have you ever received a support email that started with "Dear Valued Customer," and thought, "Wow, I feel so uniquely appreciated"? Yeah, me neither. Let's make customer support less robotic and more... human! 🤖❌👋

What is Distrobird?

Distrobird is a cutting-edge platform that optimizes sales and customer support processes, leveraging automation and analytics to streamline interactions, enhance customer satisfaction, and boost sales performance across various communication channels 🙋‍♀️✔️

Our opinion about Distrobird:

Distrobird is an asset for dynamic companies aiming to modernize their sales and customer support. Its robust features are perfect for fast-paced industries needing efficient, real-time solutions to maintain high customer engagement and satisfaction 🌐

Distrobird Pricing:

Distrobird's pricing is structured to accommodate businesses of all sizes, offering a basic free plans with essential features and various premium tiers for more advanced capabilities and larger teams 💸

- More details about Distrobird's pricings
Best Distrobird alternatives:

Compare Distrobird with alternatives like Zendesk, Freshdesk, and HubSpot on our platform. Explore diverse features and pricing to find the ideal software for your company’s needs today 🎯

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Mary O'Brien

Customer Success Manager

Interested in Distrobird? Get 90% off all plans for 1 year on Distrobird with our promo code and save up to $4050.

Distrobird pricing

Sequences - Free

3 users

Unlimited teammates

International SMS

Single channel sequences

Inbox - Free

3 users

Up to 4 teams

Unlimited teammates

Connect 3 email inboxes

Inbox - Startup


/ user / month

Unlimited users

Unlimited teams

Unlimited workflows/automations

Connect 10 email inboxes

Voice - Solo


/ user / month

Local phone number support in 103 countries

Unlimited inbound calls

International calls

International SMS

Voice - Startup


/ user / month

Call recording data

Queue callback

Call barging

Warm transfers

Sequences - Startup


/ user / month

Unlimited users

2 channel sequences

Custom sending window

10 workflows/automations

Voice - Growth


/ user / month

Unlimited call recording data

Distrobird voice signature

Preview and power dialers

Outside office hours routing

Sequences - Growth


/ user / month

3 channel sequences

Manual email, SMS & call steps

No step limit sequences

3 rules per sequence step

Voice - Enterprise


/ user / month

Team member office hours

Call whisper/barging/listen in

Advanced reporting

VIP phone support

Sequences - Enterprise


/ user / month

Unlimited workflows/automations

VIP phone support

Distrobird mobile app

A/B testing

Distrobird features

Enhance your productivity with comprehensive sales communication tools.

  • Form tracking

    Capture and track leads effectively with Distrobird’s form tracking capabilities, ensuring no potential customer slips through the cracks by automating lead capture and follow-up.

  • Web chat

    Integrate a web chat system on your website to offer real-time support and sales assistance, encouraging immediate engagement with visitors and potential leads.

  • Cloud-based phone system

    A comprehensive cloud-based phone system is included, which supports calling features without the need for traditional telephone services, cutting down on costs and enhancing mobility.

  • Built-in dialer

    With its cloud-based dialer, you can make and receive calls directly within the platform, offering a streamlined approach to phone communication without the need for external tools.

  • Unified inbox

    Distrobird’s unified inbox consolidates messages from various channels into a single, manageable interface, simplifying the process of monitoring and responding to customer communications.

  • Shared inboxes

    Facilitate team collaboration by using shared inboxes, where sales or support teams can access and manage communications collectively, ensuring consistent and efficient customer service.

  • Multi-channel campaigns

    Distrobird enables the creation and management of multi-channel campaigns, integrating email, phone, and SMS, allowing for a seamless communication strategy that can adapt to any customer preference.

  • SMS messaging

    This feature allows for direct text messaging to customers, providing a quick and personal way to reach out, announce offers, or provide support, enhancing customer engagement.

4 Distrobird Reviews

5.0 (4 reviews)
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  • Alex Johnson

    Streamlined Lead Management

    Distrobird has been a game-changer for managing our leads and tracking their journey. The form tracking feature integrates directly with our website, capturing vital information that feeds into our CRM system. This seamless integration means that we can follow up on leads more effectively. Just last week, we tracked a surge in form submissions after optimizing our landing pages, thanks to the insights provided by Distrobird.

    August 3, 2024

  • Lisa Moreno

    All-in-One Communication Tool

    As a small business owner, finding tools that do more for less is critical. Distrobird’s cloud-based phone system and web chat have enabled us to communicate more effectively with our customers without investing in expensive infrastructure. Last month, when we ran a promotional offer, we used Distrobird’s SMS messaging feature to alert our customer base, resulting in our highest engagement rates ever.

    July 28, 2024

  • David Kim

    Enhancing Customer Support

    Since we implemented Distrobird in our customer support department, we’ve seen a significant improvement in response times and customer satisfaction. The shared inboxes feature means no customer query goes unanswered, as our team can see and manage all messages from one place. For example, during a recent high-volume period, we were able to efficiently sort and respond to inquiries, which would have overwhelmed our old system.

    July 22, 2024

Distrobird: Pros & Cons


  • All-in-one platform: Distrobird integrates multiple sales and communication tools into a single platform, reducing the need for multiple software solutions
  • Enhanced productivity: The unified inbox, built-in dialer, and multi-channel campaigns streamline workflows
  • Customer engagement: Features like SMS messaging, web chat, and form tracking facilitate personalized customer interactions


  • Integration challenges: While the platform offers extensive features, integrating it with existing systems or workflows could pose a challenge
  • Learning curve: The comprehensive nature of Distrobird’s platform may require a period of adjustment and training
  • Cost: For small businesses or startups, the cost of an all-in-one solution might be higher compared to standalone tools

Alternatives to Distrobird

Interested in Distrobird? Get 90% off all plans for 1 year on Distrobird with our promo code and save up to $4050.

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