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Data insights without compromising trust

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Matomo is a powerful web analytics platform that serves as an ethical alternative to Google Analytics. It offers website owners and businesses complete data ownership and control while prioritizing user privacy.

General information about Matomo

Matomo is a powerful web analytics platform that offers a privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics. It provides website owners and businesses with comprehensive data insights while ensuring 100% data ownership and protection of user privacy.

With Matomo, users can track and analyze website performance, visitor behavior, and conversion rates without compromising on data security or ethical considerations. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, allowing easy navigation through its interface to access real-time data, features, and reports.

One of Matomo's key advantages is its commitment to data privacy. Unlike other analytics tools that may use collected data for their own purposes, Matomo ensures that all information remains under the user's control. This approach helps businesses maintain customer trust and avoid potential reputational damage associated with data misuse.

Matomo offers a range of features, including real-time analytics, heatmaps, A/B testing, and customizable dashboards. It can be self-hosted or used as a cloud-based solution, providing flexibility to meet various organizational needs. The platform is also compliant with privacy regulations, allowing users to implement analytics without requiring explicit user consent in many cases.

Trusted by over 1 million websites across 190 countries, Matomo has established itself as a reliable and ethical choice for web analytics. Its commitment to data ownership, privacy protection, and user-friendly interface makes it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.

See how solutions like Matomo can revolutionize your web analytics strategy while prioritizing privacy and visit our marketplace for great discounts and savings!

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Matomo features

Privacy-first web analytics for complete data ownership and insights.

  • Real-time analytics

    Instantly view and analyze visitor data as it happens. Monitor live traffic, page views, and conversions to make informed decisions and quickly respond to trends or issues.

  • Heatmaps and session recordings

    Visualize user behavior with heatmaps and session recordings. Understand how visitors interact with your website, identify usability issues, and optimize user experience based on actual usage patterns.

  • Custom dashboards

    Create personalized dashboards tailored to your specific needs. Combine various reports and metrics to get a comprehensive overview of your website's performance at a glance.

  • Goal tracking and conversion funnels

    Set up and track specific goals to measure conversions. Analyze user journeys through conversion funnels to identify bottlenecks and optimize your conversion rates.

  • E-commerce analytics

    Track and analyze online store performance with detailed e-commerce reports. Monitor product views, cart additions, and purchases to optimize your sales funnel and increase revenue.

  • Privacy-focused data collection

    Collect and analyze data while respecting user privacy. Comply with GDPR and other privacy regulations without compromising on the depth and quality of your analytics insights.

  • A/B testing

    Conduct experiments to optimize your website's performance. Test different versions of pages, content, or designs to determine which variations drive better results and improve user engagement.

  • Multi-channel attribution

    Understand the impact of various marketing channels on conversions. Analyze user journeys across multiple touchpoints to optimize your marketing strategy and allocate resources effectively.

Matomo Reviews

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Matomo: Pros & Cons


  • Complete data ownership: Users have full control over their analytics data, ensuring privacy and compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Privacy-focused approach: Matomo prioritizes user privacy, allowing businesses to gather insights without compromising customer trust or requiring explicit consent in many cases.
  • Customizable and feature-rich: The platform offers a wide range of features and customization options, allowing users to tailor their analytics experience to their specific needs.


  • Learning curve: Some users may find Matomo's interface and features more complex compared to simpler analytics tools, requiring time to fully utilize its capabilities.
  • Self-hosting challenges: While self-hosting offers more control, it requires technical expertise and resources to set up and maintain the analytics infrastructure.
  • Limited integrations: Compared to some competitors, Matomo may have fewer pre-built integrations with other marketing tools and platforms.

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