General information about YAY Images Startups
Dive into YAY Images's premier collection, meticulously curated and comprising over 11 million first-rate, royalty-free images, vectors, and graphics. Directly sourced from the creative minds of more than 11,000 highly gifted photographers worldwide, this plethora of resources is designed to victoriously address all your business needs, be it for web presence, graphic design, print requirements, or diversified marketing endeavors.
Defined by its remarkable diversity, YAY stands out akin to a unicorn amid typical stock image options. Its rich and ever-growing content is attributed to an expansive talent pool, boasting over 11K photographers hailing from over 80 unique countries, thus promising accurate and high-quality depiction for every project, regardless of its size or complexity. The truly distinguishing feature, however, lies in the efficient search mechanism. Following a comprehensive website overhaul in Q4 2019, YAY has been lauded for its intuitive, result-oriented search function, making the quest for the perfect image significantly straightforward, convenient, and fruitful.
Redefine your business' visual identity with the unrivaled diversity and quality offered by YAY, poised to cater to the smallest detail or the broadest concept embedded in your project's requirements. Explore the limitless possibilities and redefine your journey today.
And remember, great opportunities are often hidden in small details. So make sure to use Secret to find deals on the best SaaS and unlock the full potential of your business.
View our promotions on tools similar to YAY Images Startups in the Design category.Expert review on YAY Images Startups
Visual content: because a picture is worth a thousand funny cat memes (or more...) 📷
YAY Images is a stock photography platform that offers a vast collection of high-quality, royalty-free images, vectors, and videos for various creative projects 🖼️ t provides you with a wide range of visual content options and allows you to access and download the visuals you need on a subscription basis, making it a convenient and cost-effective solution for acquiring professional-grade imagery 🌟
YAY Images is a suitable solution for various types of businesses and their visual content needs. Marketing agencies rely on YAY Images to find captivating visuals for their campaigns and social media posts 🤩 E-commerce businesses use YAY Images to enhance their product listings and create eye-catching banners. Content creators, bloggers, and website owners turn to YAY Images for high-quality images to make their content visually appealing. Startups and small businesses benefit from YAY Images' cost-effective subscription plans, allowing them to access professional imagery without breaking their budget. Overall, businesses across different industries use YAY Images to elevate their visual content and engage their audience effectively 👌
YAY Images has 3 different pricing options available for you to choose from, including a monthly subscription, a lifetime membership and one-time credit payments. Choose the plan that's right for you and start enhancing your startup's visual content! 💰
Top alternatives to YAY Images’s visual content software include Shutterstock, Flickr and Adobe Stock. Discover great offers for these types of tools and more on Secret to start saving! 🔍

Customer Success Manager
What is YAY Images Startups used for?
YAY Images is an invaluable tool for small businesses seeking to enhance their visual branding. With over 11 million high-quality, royalty-free images from a diverse range of talented photographers, it provides a vast resource for website design, marketing materials, and print needs. Its standout feature is an efficient search function, making it easy to find the perfect image for any project. For example, a bakery could use YAY Images to source unique photos for their website and social media posts, while a tech startup could find compelling graphics for their investor presentations. The potential applications are limitless.YAY Images Startups features
Affordable Pricing
Quality stock photos do not need to cost a fortune. YAY's mission has always been high quality at an affordable price and has maintained that while still sharing the wealth with its contributors at one of the highest commissions in the industry.
Free image editor
YAY Images's free image editor feature allows you to edit the images you download directly on its website. Save time and money by not having to download and use a separate editing software.
Customizable subscription
With YAY Images's customizable subscription feature, choose the number of images you want to download each month and only pay for what you need. No more wastage or overspending!
Easy Licensing
YAY puts all the cards on the table with fully-transparent licensing terms with Standard and Extended available.
24/7 Support
The team is always available round-the-clock on live chat or via email to assist you.
API integration
Easily integrate YAY Images with your favorite apps and websites through the API integration feature. Streamline your workflow and save time.
Search by image feature
Tired of scrolling endlessly through thousands of images? Use YAY Images's search by image feature to find similar images and save time.
20 YAY Images Startups Reviews
Paul Miller
Yay Images: A Must-Share Resource for Startup Founders
I've recommended Yay Images to other startup founders. It's a resource that's too good not to share
August 17, 2024
Endless Excitement: Yay Images' Constant Updates Keep Me Hooked!
The regular updates and additions to the Yay Images library keep me coming back. There's always something new and exciting to discover.
August 12, 2024
Jennifer Williams
Account Deletion Resolved Swiftly
I'm really puzzled. I've tried several times to understand why my account was deleted after I paid for the plan. I would have handled it differently, but no one from their company has responded to my numerous email inquiries about why I can't access something I paid for. I managed to download one image and tried to log in the next day, but it said my account does not exist. I have a receipt showing the money was taken from my business account. I urge Yayimages to rectify this. Update: 3/31/222 Yay Images responded quickly to this review and corrected the error on their end. Overall, the images are decent. But I absolutely adore the vectors and video collection!
August 6, 2024
Why is YAY Images Startups better than other Design software?
YAY Images Startups is more versatile than Cloudimage: 52 vs 16
YAY Images Startups is better at customer support than Dropbox: 4.6 vs 4.3
YAY Images Startups is better at value for money than Dropbox: 4.4 vs 4.3