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Deploy modern web projects

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Netlify is a powerful platform designed to streamline the deployment, management, and scaling of modern web applications.

General information about Netlify

Netlify is a comprehensive platform designed to transform how developers build, deploy, and manage modern web applications. By seamlessly integrating continuous deployment, serverless functions, and an intuitive user interface, Netlify empowers developers to streamline the entire web development process, from code to live deployment, in just minutes. Whether working on static sites, dynamic applications, or complex web projects, Netlify offers a powerful infrastructure that simplifies deployment and scaling, ensuring high performance and reliability.

Netlify's automated build process, coupled with seamless Git integration, allows developers to push updates directly from their repositories, triggering instant deployments without manual intervention. This continuous deployment pipeline ensures that websites and applications are always up-to-date, reducing the time and effort required to manage web projects. Additionally, Netlify's support for serverless functions enables developers to add dynamic functionality without the need for traditional server management, further enhancing the platform's versatility.

Security is a core focus of Netlify, offering built-in features like automatic HTTPS, ensuring that all web projects are secure by default. With its global CDN, content is delivered rapidly to users around the world, enhancing the performance and user experience of every site deployed on the platform.

Check out the latest features and offers available on solutions like Netlify today and experience the future of web deployment and management.

See alternatives to Netlify like GitHub or Cloudflare.
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Netlify features

Deploy and manage modern web projects effortlessly.

  • Instant rollbacks

    Easily revert to a previous version of your site or application with Netlify’s instant rollback feature. This ensures you can quickly resolve issues by rolling back to a stable state.

  • Global CDN

    Netlify delivers your content through a global content delivery network (CDN), ensuring fast load times and improved performance for users worldwide, regardless of their location.

  • Automated HTTPS

    Netlify automatically provides and renews HTTPS certificates, securing your site with SSL/TLS encryption by default. This ensures that your web projects are protected and compliant with modern security standards.

  • Git integration

    Seamlessly connect your Git repositories to Netlify for instant, automated deployments. Any push to your repository triggers a build and deployment process, making updates live within minutes.

  • Form handling

    Netlify simplifies form management by automatically capturing and processing form submissions from your website, without requiring additional server-side code or complex configurations.

  • Split testing

    Netlify’s split testing feature allows you to run A/B tests by deploying multiple versions of your site, enabling data-driven decisions to optimize user experience and conversion rates.

  • Continuous deployment

    Netlify automatically deploys updates from your Git repository, ensuring your website or application is always up-to-date with the latest changes, reducing manual effort and speeding up the development process.

  • Serverless functions

    Add dynamic functionality to your web applications without managing servers. Netlify’s serverless functions allow you to run backend code on-demand, simplifying development and scaling.

Netlify Reviews

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Netlify: Pros & Cons


  • Global CDN for high performance: With a built-in global content delivery network (CDN), Netlify ensures that websites load quickly and efficiently for users around the world
  • Fast and automated deployments: Netlify’s continuous deployment process from Git repositories allows for quick and automated updates
  • Integrated serverless functions: Netlify’s support for serverless functions enables adding backend logic to web projects without managing servers


  • Pricing for advanced features: While Netlify offers a free tier, access to advanced features like higher bandwidth limits, more build minutes, or premium support may require paid plans
  • Limited server-side customization: While Netlify’s serverless approach simplifies development, it can be limiting for projects requiring extensive server-side customization
  • Learning curve for complex configurations: Though Netlify is user-friendly for basic deployments, setting up more complex workflows may require additional learning