MyInterview is a web-based platform that enhances the recruitment process. It enables employers to perform video interviews, assess applicants, and share feedback internally. The software employs AI technology to scrutinize responses, offering insights into candidates' abilities and character traits. It's user-friendly, adaptable, and appropriate for all business sizes. MyInterview simplifies hiring, saving time and enhancing hire quality.

  • 01Pros and cons from reviewers
  • 02Main features
  • 03What is Myinterview?
  • 04How Myinterview compare to similar software?
  • 05Who is Myinterview best for according to our reviewers?
  • 06Myinterview Reviews

Pros from reviewers

  • Collaborative decision-making: The software aids in collectively deciding on the best candidate for the job based on individual perceptions and conclusions. It allows for alternate questioning and collective decision-making as if all participants were in the same room

  • Time and cost efficiency: myInterview has significantly streamlined the candidate search process, reducing labor expenses and removing the need for phone screenings. It's more cost-effective than many competitors, especially for small businesses using the pay-per-minute option

  • Improved recruitment strategy: myInterview has standardized, debiased, and enhanced recruitment strategies. It allows for easy and effective selection and vetting of high-quality candidates from a large pool of applicants, making the process of choosing the right candidate incredibly simple.

  • Ease of use: myInterview is user-friendly and straightforward, requiring no extra software or time-consuming downloads. It can be used on any device, enabling users to view potential candidates on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone

  • Customization and branding: myInterview provides a lot of customization options and the ability to incorporate branding and videos. This enhances the professional and user-friendly experience for candidates

Cons from reviewers

  • Limited group interview capabilities: Despite its many benefits, myInterview currently does not support interviews with more than two participants, making group interviews impossible

  • Lack of automatic invitation feature: myInterview does not have the ability to automatically send candidates the video interview invitation after they complete an application form, which can be inconvenient for recruiters

  • Compatibility issues: The platform is not compatible with multiple browsers and devices, which can limit its usability for some users

  • Poor customer support: Some users have reported difficulties in obtaining support, particularly those from different geographical locations

  • Issues with interview invites: There have been instances where interview invites expire too soon, causing inconvenience to both recruiters and candidates.

Main features

Starting Price


Free Plan


Customizable Questionnaires

Predictive Analytics

Video Interview Capability

Collaborative Evaluation Tools

Integration with Existing HR Systems

What is Myinterview?

MyInterview is a cutting-edge recruitment software that simplifies the hiring process. It allows employers to conduct video interviews and assess candidates beyond their resumes. The platform includes customizable questionnaires, collaborative evaluation tools, and can integrate with existing HR systems. It enables recruiters to evaluate candidates' soft skills, personality traits, and communication abilities remotely. MyInterview uses predictive analytics for data-driven hiring decisions and ensures high data security. Suitable for businesses of all sizes, it optimizes the recruitment process and aids in hiring top talent efficiently.

Who is Myinterview best for according to our reviewers?

  • Marketing Department Recruiters: These users appreciate the ability to screen potential candidates together with the department manager, alternating in asking questions as if they were all in the same room

  • Student Organizations: Despite being a student organization, these users find that myInterview has standardized, debiased, and enhanced their recruitment strategy, making the process engaging and inclusive for their candidates

  • Small Businesses: These users value how myInterview has simplified their recruitment pipeline by removing the need for phone screenings, making the process more cost-effective and efficient

  • Start-ups: For these users, especially those with limited funds, myInterview has proven to be incredibly user-friendly and financially feasible, assisting them in reviewing a large number of applications quickly and easily

  • Job Seekers: These users utilize myInterview to prepare for future interviews, enhancing their confidence and helping them articulate their responses effectively.

  • Myinterview Reviews


    Myinterview rating


    Ease of use


    Customer service


    Value for money


    Likelihood to recommend



    8 Myinterview Reviews

    4.6 (8 reviews)
    • Julia Jones

      A Breath of Fresh Air and Time Saver

      Using myinterview software makes customizing interviews effortless. It enables me to adjust my preparation to meet the exact needs of my job. It's a time-efficient and effective method to guarantee I'm completely prepared for any interview situation.

      May 26, 2024

    • Diana Williams

      Enhances Self-Assuredness - Excellent Interview Preparation!

      Grad school interviews were daunting for me, so I used My Interview Practice to boost my confidence in articulating my responses. I lacked experience with situational/behavioral questions, which worried me the most. As a student, I needed an intuitive and effective platform. The templates and sample responses on My Interview Practice guided me towards what I should aim for. It prepared me well for the tough interviews, and I'm happy to say that I got accepted into a top grad school.

      May 20, 2024

    • Emma

      On-the-Go Candidate Review with myInterview

      I appreciate the mobile accessibility of myinterview, allowing me to review candidates on-the-go

      May 12, 2024

    • Christopher R

      Great tool for accelerating recruitment efficiency!

      MyInterview has sped up our hiring process and reduced our labor expenses. I value how it has simplified our recruitment pipeline by removing the need for phone screenings. We now just send a video screen via myInterview to potential candidates, saving us the trouble of coordinating with someone else's schedule. It's much more efficient for us to send out the screens and then review them when we have the time. The product is also more cost-effective than many competitors when using the pay-per-minute option as a small business. It's not entirely perfect, as we sometimes face issues with interview invites expiring too soon, but it's usually an easy fix. The integration with Workable is generally good, though it could use a bit more polishing. We chose myInterview primarily because of its price.

      May 5, 2024

    • Neo M

      Game-Changing Scheduling Feature Saves Time

      The scheduling feature has been a game-changer, eliminating the back-and-forth emails and saving a lot of time

      April 28, 2024

    • Amy Smith

      Exploring myInterview: A Game-Changer in Recruitment Strategy

      Overall, I find that using myInterview has standardized, debiased, and enhanced our recruitment strategy. Despite being a student organization, our human capital strategy is on par with industry recruitment processes. We aimed to make the process engaging and inclusive for our candidates, and I believe we have achieved that. We plan to continue using this service annually. The setup is smooth, and the UI/UX design is incredibly intuitive, requiring minimal effort to understand. This makes it easy for team members to collaborate. The ability to customize the platform with our branding and videos is fantastic. I've received positive feedback from candidates about the platform's professional and user-friendly experience. The myInterview team kindly reduced the monthly subscription fee to better support us, as we are a small student-led non-profit university consultancy. I highly recommend the software. The only thing missing is the ability to automatically send candidates the video interview invitation after they complete an application form. We currently use Google forms, and it would be great if candidates were.

      April 20, 2024

    • Christopher Martinez

      Effortless, Budget-Friendly, Superior Client Experience!

      The team at myInterview, especially [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN], has given me exceptional support for my unique situation. Despite my unconventional social enterprise model and limited funds, they've assisted me in reviewing a large number of volunteer applications quickly and easily. As I continue to grow rapidly, I'm thrilled to have a partner like myInterview to help with my application and interview processes, ensuring a great experience for my volunteers. As an early-stage start-up looking for an affordable tool to improve my recruitment processes for my Volunteer Consultants, myInterview has proven to be incredibly user-friendly and financially feasible. So far, I have nothing negative to say, my experience has been entirely positive!

      April 14, 2024

    • Patricia

      Intuitive User Interface of MyInterview

      I found the user interface of myinterview to be incredibly intuitive and easy to navigate

      April 13, 2024

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