Microsoft To Do is a productivity software that aids in task organization, time management, and efficiency enhancement. It features task lists, reminders, due dates, and collaboration tools to help users prioritize tasks and achieve goals. The app provides a consistent experience across devices, integrates with other Microsoft services, and offers customizable features for individual workflows. Microsoft To Do simplifies, organizes, and boosts productivity in daily routines.

  • 01Pros and cons from reviewers
  • 02Main features
  • 03What is Microsoft To Do?
  • 04How Microsoft To Do compare to similar software?
  • 05Who is Microsoft To Do best for according to our reviewers?
  • 06Microsoft To Do Reviews

Pros from reviewers

  • User-friendly interface: Microsoft To Do has a very intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to create and manage tasks

  • Integration with other Microsoft tools: The software seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft tools like Planner, allowing users to manage their tasks in one place

  • Mobile-friendly: The software has a user-friendly mobile application, making it easy for users to manage their tasks on the go

  • Email flagging: The practical feature of flagging an email to automatically add a task in the To-do list simplifies task creation.

  • Sharing and assigning tasks: Microsoft To Do allows users to share their task lists with team members and assign tasks to them, enhancing collaboration

Cons from reviewers

  • Microsoft To Do has a slow and challenging web app: Users have reported that the web application of Microsoft To Do has been slow and challenging to use for years

  • Difficulty in managing multiple accounts: Users have reported difficulties in managing multiple accounts, with issues such as the remember me feature not functioning properly, leading to time-consuming manual password inputs

  • Microsoft To Do lacks advanced project management features: While it serves as a great task list software, it falls short as a fully developed project management tool, lacking collaboration tools and the ability to create timelines

  • Microsoft To Do lacks natural language processing: This feature is missing in Microsoft To Do, which can make task management less intuitive and more time-consuming

  • Microsoft To Do can be unresponsive and revert to default settings: Users have reported instances where the software was unresponsive, had startup problems, and reverted to default settings instead of using personalized ones.

Main features

Starting Price


Free Plan


Stay on track with reminders and notifications

Customizable themes and backgrounds

Voice-activated task management

Location-based reminders

Task management made simple

What is Microsoft To Do?

Microsoft To Do is a task management software designed to enhance productivity and organization for individuals and teams. It allows users to create and manage to-do lists, set reminders, and prioritize tasks across various devices and platforms. Its customizable features and intuitive interface allow for a personalized task management experience. Users can set deadlines, add attachments, collaborate with others, and track progress. Microsoft To Do is a reliable solution for streamlining task management processes and boosting productivity.

Who is Microsoft To Do best for according to our reviewers?

  • Team Leaders: Those who need to create multiple lists, assign tasks to team members, and share these lists for better team coordination

  • Individual Task Managers: Individuals who need a simple, user-friendly tool to manage their personal and work tasks

  • Email Users: Those who frequently use email and would benefit from the feature of flagging an email to automatically add a task in the To-do list

  • Mobile Users: Individuals who primarily use mobile devices and need a task management tool that is easy to use on mobile phones and can be integrated with many apps.

  • Planner Users: Individuals who are involved in various Planner Plans and need a flexible, mobile-friendly tool to manage their tasks and lists

  • Microsoft To Do Reviews


    Microsoft To Do rating


    Ease of use


    Customer service


    Value for money


    Likelihood to recommend



    8 Microsoft To Do Reviews

    4.6 (8 reviews)
    • Verena S

      Versatile Cross-Platform Solution with Enhanced Security

      I can use it on my PC at work, on my Mac at home, and on my Android phone while on the go. Lastly, the software's robust security features give me peace of mind

      May 28, 2024

    • Kayla

      Customizable Lists and Time-Saving Suggestions: A Review

      I can tailor the look and feel of my lists to suit my personal preferences. The smart suggestion feature is a real time-saver

      May 21, 2024

    • Bruce

      Efficient To-do List Seamlessly Integrated with Outlook

      I appreciate the practical feature of flagging an email to automatically add a task in the To-do list and find the tool very user-friendly. However, I believe Microsoft To do is somewhat basic and lacks additional features that could make it more competitive.

      May 12, 2024

    • Georgina S

      Effortless Task Management and Collaboration with Outlook

      I can easily sync my tasks with Outlook and manage them from any device. The feature that allows me to share my lists with colleagues has greatly enhanced our team collaboration

      May 5, 2024

    • Otis M

      Triumphs with Simplicity and Microsoft Compatibility

      I utilize Microsoft To Do for managing my tasks, including those assigned to me in various Planner Plans I'm involved in. I have the ability to manage my own lists and Planner tasks within the To Do pane. I find it more flexible than Planner and it provides a lighter, more mobile-friendly task experience. I'm particularly fond of To Do's My Day planning approach, which begins each day with a clean slate. However, To Do lacks in natural language processing and the web app has been slow and challenging to use for years. It doesn't provide many advanced features like Gantt charting, but I don't believe it needs to. I opted for Microsoft To Do over Wrike and Freedcamp because they were more complex and less integrated. I transitioned from Teamwork to Microsoft To Do because it was free and integrated with Planner, a tool we were beginning to use in our organization.

      April 27, 2024

    • Nathan

      Boosting Productivity with Intuitive Software Integration

      its intuitive interface makes it easy to prioritize my workload. The software's seamless integration with other Microsoft products has significantly improved my productivity

      April 21, 2024

    • Bruce D

      Organize Your Day with Microsoft To Do

      I've found Microsoft To Do to be an excellent tool for organizing my daily tasks

      April 16, 2024

    • Philip Davis

      Streamlining Tasks with Microsoft To-Do: A User's Perspective

      I used Wunderlist for many years and it greatly simplified both my work and personal tasks. However, in recent years, the mobile application became quite unstable, prompting me to switch to Microsoft To Do. This software is very user-friendly, allowing me to create multiple lists and add tasks within these lists. I can share these lists with my team members and assign tasks to them. I also receive reminders when a task is due. While it's a great task list software, it's not a fully developed project management tool as it lacks collaboration tools and doesn't allow for timeline creation. I switched to Microsoft To Do because, like Wunderlist, it's easy to use and has a user-friendly mobile application. I had been using Wunderlist for many years but became frustrated when the mobile app started malfunctioning, which led me to make the switch to Microsoft To Do.

      April 14, 2024

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